Members: Intake Please enter all of the required information for the intake of a new dog. * indicates required field Intake date:* Your name:* Email:* Dogs name:* Dogs age:* Dogs sex/altered:* Color:* Purebred, mix, describe: Where did the dog come from? Example: private party (owner relinquish) or name of shelter and impound#:* Microchip brand and number:* Where are they being fostered or boarded:* Any major medical needed?: 1. Upload any files or photos of the dog here: Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.Maximum file size: 2mb. 2. Upload any files or photos of the dog here: 3. Upload any files or photos of the dog here: 4. Upload any files or photos of the dog here: CAPTCHA Code:* Members Access Thanks for all you do!! Back to Members Access